Royal Rangers

Through age-level Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, and Adventure Rangers, boys learn life skills and discipleship. Royal Rangers meets every Wednesday at 7 PM.

Advancement structure friendly to boys, visitors, leaders and parents.
Age-appropriate achievement badges and merit awards.
Complete weekly planning guides. 
Quarterly awards and recognition ceremonies.
Boys’ Handbooks and Workbooks


Royal Ranger Groups

(Grades K, 1, and 2)

Ranger Kids introduces boys to the great outdoors through a non-camping program that encourages indoor and outdoor field trips and day camps.   The quarterly advancement patches lead to the yearly trail awards of the , Wolverine, and Cougar. These trails feature exciting crafts and skills, advancement activities, Bible memory verses, and many opportunities for boys to grow and mature.

 (Grades 3, 4, and 5)

Discovery Rangers will experience a variety of indoor and outdoor activities and events that include an introduction to camping. The Discovery advancement trails introduces boys to a skill and Bible merit advancement system which leads to their highest award; the Gold Eagle. The boys also have the opportunity to attend training camps to develop leadership skills.


(Grades 6, 7, and 8)

Adventure Rangers will continue to participate in indoor and outdoor activities which will include camping and non-camping activities, personal and life skills development, advance camping, Junior Leadership Training, and an opportunity to become part of the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF). The Adventure Rangers merit-based advancement trail culminates with the Gold Medal of Achievement – the highest aware a boy can earn.
