A Spirit-filled Community, Connecting in Faith, Hope, and Love.
CLA endeavors to be a Biblically balanced, Spirit-filled faith community. We are committed to relevant teaching, refreshing worship, honest friendships, passionate prayer, and compassionate care to those in need.
Worship Celebration: 10:45am
Take Five Kid’s Church: 10:45am
CLA Latina (Spanish Service): 3:30 PM
Generations Night: 7:00 PM
Adult Bible Study
Kids Clubs: Royal Rangers (boys), Mpact Girls, Rainbows (pre-school)
Be our guest this Sunday!
You weren’t meant to live your life alone. You were made for family. At Christian Life Assembly, you won’t only find spiritual nourishment through worship and Bible study, but you’ll also find lifetime friends and a place to belong. Join us for our 10:45 AM worship service with a vibrant experience for adults, students, and children. Let us help you have a great first experience with CLA. Check out the information below.
Register with us in advance and we can make your experience with us even more enjoyable.
Where can I park?
Parking and Entrances
CLA has accessible parking for guests and families with infants. These spaces are located closest to the main entrances and are clearly marked for your convenience. Our canopied side entrance is the main entrance. You are also welcome to enter the double door entrance at the rear parking lot.
What does CLA have for my children?
We have childcare for infants and toddlers and a special preschool program for ages 3-4 each Sunday morning at 10:45.
Children’s Church
Children 4-10 are invited to attend TAKE 5, CLA’s kid-friendly worship service led by wonderful, caring leaders. Parent’s can check their child in at the entrance to our Fellowship Hall beginning at 10:30 AM. They will experience fun, worshipful songs, games, activities, and Bible-centered lessons that will impact them in a positive way. Parents may check their child out of TAKE 5 after the service.
What can I expect while I’m there?
Guest Services
You will be welcomed by one of guest services greeters and given a bulletin for that Sunday. They will also help you with locations for everything including restrooms, how to find the sanctuary, what’s available for your children, and even where to get a great cup of coffee.
Inside the bulletin is our communication card. We use this card to receive prayer requests, update contact information, and provide a way for others to let us know how things are going on their journey with Christ.
How long?
Our morning worship celebration lasts between 75 and 90 minutes. We begin at 10:45 AM and are usually dismissed by noon. Worship Style CLA’s worship style blends contemporary music with traditional hymns. Many of the songs we sing are in the style of Chris Tomlin, Hillsong and Jesus Culture.
CLA members also express worship through offerings. This is our opportunity to cheerfully give back to God the finances He has blessed us with. Of course, we will never pressure guests to give and realize that all giving is a matter between an individual and Christ. Our Pastor will deliver a message designed to communicate the truth of Scripture and how that truth can be applied to our lives in the 21st Century.
We strongly believe that God’s Word is for transformation, not just information. Our Pastor, at the end of his message, will give the congregation an opportunity to personally reflect and respond. Sometimes he will ask us to respond by lifting a hand or standing. If you do not feel comfortable responding in that manner then marking the communication card is always an appropriate response. Simply fill out your card, turn it over, and place it on your seat to be picked up by a member of our staff. Our Pastor will also invite anyone who would like specific prayer to come and receive prayer. He will conclude the service and dismiss us with prayer.
Can I listen to a service before I come?
How should I dress?
At CLA, people dress in a wide range of attire. Most, however, dress casual. We want you to be comfortable.
View CLA Online
Monthly Calendar
Online Giving Form
For your convenience, you can give through our online giving form, via Stripe.
Contact Us
Christian Life Assembly
307 NC Highway 100
Gibsonville, NC 27249
(336) 449 7011