CLA COVID-19 Procedures

people wearing diy masks

CLA values gathering together in worship and sharing in the Presence of Christ. COVID-19 compels us to be extra-vigilant so that we may continue to do so in  a way that is safe for everyone, especially our senior adults and those with pre-existing conditions. We do our best to keep our facility thoroughly cleaned and disinfected twice each week to further protect our members and guests.

To safely reopen our church and related ministries, CLA plans to observe the following procedures:

  • Social Distancing at all events. Sanctuary seating will be arranged in clusters for families ( 2-5 chairs) and spaced appropriately. We need to maintain aisles, as well.
  • TAKE5 Kids Church will check-in in the fellowship hall and observe social distancing in pre-arranged seating. Parents will need to pick up their child following the service.
  • No childcare can be provided at this time; however, we are making accommodations for pre-schoolers, ages 3-4. Please prepare to keep your infant with you.
  • Offerings can be made online, dropped in the mail, or placed in our new designated offering collection in the sanctuary.

What about facemasks?

We encourage and recommend the use of facemasks. Please use them at your discretion and comfort level. In light of the Governor’s mandate and the counsel of our NC Assemblies of God leadership, we recommend their use for ages 12 and up upon entering and exiting the facility. A face mask is NOT necessary once seated in the sanctuary, where seating is socially distanced. No one with a condition that prohibits the wearing of a mask should wear one.

Please consider a balance of two priorities as it pertains to face masks or clothing. First, the hope in wearing face coverings includes limiting the spread of infection to others, which is a good and decent consideration. We encourage that sentiment, as we do all social distancing measures. However, we also receive the instructions in Scripture NOT to give undue attention to the outward appearance of one’s clothing and adornment as a measure of a person’s spirituality or value to God (or to us). At CLA, we will NOT make those judgements of one’s motives to wear or not wear a mask, period.

We want everyone to be safe and healthy. We are keeping the facility routinely disinfected and have installed Hand Sanitizer dispensers by the water fountain and the café. However, we encourage our elderly folks and those with underlying health concerns to use the utmost discretion at this time for public participation.

As always, we will do our best to make our worship services available online through our website, Facebook Page, and YouTube Channel.

Back to Class

CLA, in partnership with Frieden’s Lutheran Church and The River Fellowship, is supporting Gibsonville Elementary School Teachers with BACK to CLASS, as we gather classroom supplies for teachers and their classes. Each church will sponsor two grades to help cover each classroom. CLA will collect supplies for Kindergarten and 5th Grade.

Our collections will begin on Sunday, July 17 and last through Monday, August 22. Students return on Monday, August 29, 2016.

You can download the list of supplies below or sign up online through Signup Genius.

Download the Supply List

Project Angel Tree


For 2.7 million children in the U.S., that story is filled with the abandonment, loneliness and shame that come from having a mom or dad in prison. For many, it may also include following their parents down the same destructive road to incarceration. Angel Tree®, a program of Prison Fellowship, reaches out to the children of prisoners and their families with the love of Christ. This unique program gives you an opportunity to share God’s love by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners.


How? Sponsor the child of an incarcerated parent through CLA Project Angel Tree effort this Christmas season. Provide a wrapped gift or gifts for up to $25 total and share it with the child and members of his or her family at our CLA Christmas Service Brunch on Sunday, December 20. Pickup your sponsorship form beginning Sunday, November 8th and we will provide you with a child’s name and information to help you with your gift giving!

Operation Christmas Child

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Take part in this year’s Operation Christmas Child. Every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!

As shoebox gifts are distributed, local pastors or church leaders present the Gospel in a fun way designed for kids while family and friends listen in. Along with their shoebox gift, children also receive The Greatest Gift, a colorful presentation of the Gospel in their own language.

Their shoebox is the first gift many children have ever received! The treasures and personal letters inside communicate that someone cares for them and give them an opportunity to experience the love of God.

How Can You Participate?

Pack your shoebox with gifts appropriate for a young boy or girl. Beginning Sunday, November 15 through Sunday, November 22, CLA, you may drop off your Operation Christmas Child gift(s) and we will get them to our local collection center. Find your packing checklist and guidelines here. You can also download the your packing label here.
