The Loft Student Ministries

The Loft is a growing student ministry that aims for students to be able to experience God through relationship with others, biblical teaching, and interactive discussions. It is our goal that you find that the Loft is a place where you can connect and interact with other students, discover meaning in God and his Word through teaching and discussion, and grow in faith, knowledge, and most of all, your relationship with Jesus Christ. The Loft meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Home Groups meet on Sundays at 5:45 PM. For more information, you can contact Pastor Christopher Smith at We look forward to you being a part of The Loft Student Ministries!

Women's Ministries


Women’s Ministries at Christian Life Assembly provides many opportunities for sharing, friendship building, growth, and encouragement. Women bind together in prayer, support and dedication to sharing the message and the love of Jesus. The first goal of Women’s Ministries is to minister to every woman according to her need through prayer groups, Bible studies, and a variety of Ministry Groups in the local church. And, as we connect our commitments together, we can also touch the world.

Women’s Ministries is an opportunity for the local church to touch the lives of women by the power of Jesus Christ through outreach, Ministry Groups, and discipleship. Through this exciting ministry, Christian women are touching the world in varied and creative ways. They are reaching beyond personal interests and comfort zones to embrace women of all ages, races, professions, and social standings. They are building an environment for women to mentor women in a place where women can learn, practice biblical love, and feel God’s love in a very real way.

Women’s Ministries @ CLA include:

  • Various Bible Study and Prayer Groups
  • Outreaches
  • Seasonal Events
  • Ministry to Girls

Bible Fellowship

Bible Fellowship invites people from every age group into an atmosphere of learning and relationship, beginning with a free continental breakfast every Sunday at 9:30 AM. After some coffee, juice, and a danish different groups are available for discussion, sharing, and studying the Bible together. The goal is finding practical applications from the Bible to just about anything life has to offer; growing a healthy marriage, managing your finances, discovering purpose, etc. We also provide Bible Fellowships for children and teens, as well as childcare.



Our Children’s Bible Fellowship groups are for grades K4 – 4th Grade. Each child’s group’s learning tracks with our TAKE TWO Kids Ministries to reinforce their learning in the Bible.

Middle School/High School

Both Middle School and High School Bible Fellowship groups track with The Loft Student Ministries for discipleship and life application.

Adult Electives

Our Adult Bible Fellowships offer elective studies spanning both Bible Book Studies and Topical Studies, where the goal is spiritual formation and practical application from the God’s Word.
