Media Team

The purpose of the CLA Media Team is to facilitate the presentation of the preaching/teaching ministry of CLA, the celebration of worship, and the broadcasting of the Message of Christ to a visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media. This ministry not only provides the technical support required for our worship services, but also records and edits our worship service audio and video, and uploads them for viewing on our web site.


Do you have a natural gift for electronics, sound or video equipment? Or maybe you just have a strong desire to learn, along with a passion to serve the body of Christ? There are many opportunities for you to serve in Media ministry. CLA staff are here to help you learn what you’ll need to know and have fun in the process! If you would like more information about our media ministry or want to volunteer as a team member, please email our church office at

Opportunities to serve include:

  • Video Camera: Records the morning worship service and other sermons during public gatherings.
  • Audio Engineer: Operates the sound board during publiic worship services.
  • Visual Engineer: Presents worship lyrics and accompanying sermon keynotes, power points, and video illustrations.
  • Photographer – If you have a digital camera, desire, and an eye for photography, we need you! We need pictures of church life, services and events taken on a regular basis.