2022 Spiritual Life Covenant

Let’s deepen our spiritual lives and believe together for a historic move of God in our church and community in 2022. Join in our 2022 Spiritual LIfe Covenant.

…and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

Acts 4.29–31 ESV

The 2022 Spiritual Life Covenant includes daily devotions 5 days a week and a year long emphasis in prayer for CLA and the Gibsonville Area. Using Acts 4:29-31, let’s ask God for…

  1. A New Boldness in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit for sharing Christ and many new people being saved in 2022.
  2. Jesus to be glorified specifically through the ministry of healing and other signs and wonders.
  3. A lavish outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Church and Community.

Bible Reading Plans

Use a Bible Reading Plan. There are many to choose from. We recommend any of the Navigator’s Bible Reading Plans. Use the 5-5-5 Plan, a One Year Bible, or one of the many different plans on the YouVersion Bible App. You are also welcome to use your own plan.

Join me on the As It Happened Plan, on the YouVersion Bible App on iOS or Android. This reading schedule will allow you to read the Bible in a year and follow the events as they occurred chronologically. 

In addition, you can also join Pastor Bruce for 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

You can respond online by completing the form below.

CLA COVID-19 Procedures

people wearing diy masks

CLA values gathering together in worship and sharing in the Presence of Christ. COVID-19 compels us to be extra-vigilant so that we may continue to do so in  a way that is safe for everyone, especially our senior adults and those with pre-existing conditions. We do our best to keep our facility thoroughly cleaned and disinfected twice each week to further protect our members and guests.

To safely reopen our church and related ministries, CLA plans to observe the following procedures:

  • Social Distancing at all events. Sanctuary seating will be arranged in clusters for families ( 2-5 chairs) and spaced appropriately. We need to maintain aisles, as well.
  • TAKE5 Kids Church will check-in in the fellowship hall and observe social distancing in pre-arranged seating. Parents will need to pick up their child following the service.
  • No childcare can be provided at this time; however, we are making accommodations for pre-schoolers, ages 3-4. Please prepare to keep your infant with you.
  • Offerings can be made online, dropped in the mail, or placed in our new designated offering collection in the sanctuary.

What about facemasks?

We encourage and recommend the use of facemasks. Please use them at your discretion and comfort level. In light of the Governor’s mandate and the counsel of our NC Assemblies of God leadership, we recommend their use for ages 12 and up upon entering and exiting the facility. A face mask is NOT necessary once seated in the sanctuary, where seating is socially distanced. No one with a condition that prohibits the wearing of a mask should wear one.

Please consider a balance of two priorities as it pertains to face masks or clothing. First, the hope in wearing face coverings includes limiting the spread of infection to others, which is a good and decent consideration. We encourage that sentiment, as we do all social distancing measures. However, we also receive the instructions in Scripture NOT to give undue attention to the outward appearance of one’s clothing and adornment as a measure of a person’s spirituality or value to God (or to us). At CLA, we will NOT make those judgements of one’s motives to wear or not wear a mask, period.

We want everyone to be safe and healthy. We are keeping the facility routinely disinfected and have installed Hand Sanitizer dispensers by the water fountain and the café. However, we encourage our elderly folks and those with underlying health concerns to use the utmost discretion at this time for public participation.

As always, we will do our best to make our worship services available online through our website, Facebook Page, and YouTube Channel.

Business Overview

Fusce pretium euismod porttitor. Vivamus eu neque diam. Nulla a molestie nunc, a venenatis massa. Aenean pellentesque eget nulla id molestie. Vivamus lacinia ut elit eu convallis. Sed iaculis mi et tellus sollicitudin luctus. Duis eget accumsan mi, et laoreet quam. Quisque rhoncus in metus non maximus. Ut blandit cursus dui non mollis. Suspendisse suscipit nisl vitae viverra gravida. Nulla facilisi. Morbi fringilla urna id volutpat pulvinar. Praesent in dapibus turpis, et condimentum velit.

Conference Room

Cras faucibus convallis fringilla. Aenean ac tortor ultrices, hendrerit ante a, dignissim arcu. Donec a leo eget metus posuere tincidunt a a felis. Vivamus lobortis justo sed dolor sollicitudin convallis. Ut ut enim eros. Suspendisse ut lorem elit. Donec convallis dictum sem ac pretium. Vestibulum vulputate porttitor ante eget ullamcorper. Vivamus molestie mi et elementum pellentesque

Interview Meet

Maecenas eget orci in purus placerat volutpat sit amet id leo. Pellentesque ultricies turpis sed urna dictum cursus. Cras efficitur est risus, faucibus pretium metus sodales nec. Aenean suscipit eget sapien et dapibus. In vulputate erat purus, id semper diam viverra nec. Nam ullamcorper suscipit viverra. Ut efficitur posuere risus, sit amet maximus quam euismod a. Integer quis luctus nisl. Etiam vitae eros leo. Nam id felis tincidunt, malesuada ligula in, ultrices turpis. Pellentesque vitae felis risus. Mauris sit amet molestie mi. Vestibulum velit lorem, bibendum ac imperdiet vitae, lobortis a ipsum. Aenean pharetra purus in pulvinar vestibulum.

Business News

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam justo ipsum, mattis sit amet suscipit et, euismod quis tortor. Morbi iaculis quam eget dui dapibus dapibus. Cras rutrum quam lorem, ut ultricies odio luctus quis. Mauris iaculis magna lectus, eget luctus nibh ultrices in. Nulla ipsum nulla, commodo sed nisl non, sodales mollis nulla. Nunc in arcu venenatis, pulvinar purus sit amet, pharetra orci. Aliquam nisi metus, varius nec lobortis quis, congue ac ante. Donec et neque vitae erat elementum vestibulum. Pellentesque accumsan mauris sed tortor gravida, eget consectetur orci ullamcorper. Suspendisse molestie dignissim lectus ultrices interdum. Nunc pharetra a ante ut fermentum. Etiam id volutpat libero. Vivamus vitae dignissim elit, quis hendrerit neque.

Coffee Time

Cras gravida suscipit sapien sed auctor. Mauris in luctus ante. Suspendisse non ullamcorper ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas molestie nisl imperdiet convallis porttitor. Vestibulum blandit elementum finibus. Cras aliquam lectus arcu, id scelerisque nibh mollis vitae. Nulla elementum diam id pretium imperdiet. Fusce sit amet accumsan dolor.

Woman Meeting

Quisque et dolor sit amet purus dictum finibus in ac dui. Sed ullamcorper porttitor tellus cursus facilisis. Mauris placerat imperdiet consequat. Morbi bibendum eros nisl, sit amet blandit dolor porta sed. Proin lacinia malesuada fermentum. Vestibulum vulputate porttitor fringilla. Donec nibh diam, hendrerit quis ligula a, congue gravida sem. Pellentesque ut aliquet lorem, at dignissim justo. Nulla viverra libero enim, id hendrerit turpis aliquam eu. Cras posuere tortor eu leo porta pharetra. Vestibulum luctus sapien at libero euismod mattis. Pellentesque facilisis volutpat mollis. Curabitur dapibus urna ut urna rhoncus, sit amet porttitor sapien blandit. Nam posuere, augue vitae rutrum consequat, tortor neque lobortis sem, sit amet malesuada erat mauris at nulla. Donec at lobortis est, sit amet finibus justo.

Official Meet

Duis eget ex non metus ornare lacinia. Nulla tempus nec erat a accumsan. In euismod at diam sit amet finibus. Integer commodo sollicitudin augue id finibus. Nullam vitae maximus velit, non finibus metus. Nullam egestas ac mi ac condimentum. Mauris volutpat laoreet dui eu blandit. Morbi tortor felis, ultrices ut posuere et, dictum eget ex. Ut id tincidunt risus, ac suscipit dolor. Vestibulum convallis urna lacus, quis semper dui malesuada non. Suspendisse id ligula luctus nibh porttitor finibus at vitae massa. Vivamus ut neque in lacus posuere volutpat. Mauris mollis enim non leo luctus, nec porttitor arcu porttitor.
