Worship Arts

The CLA Worship Team strives to bring glory to God, as we lead people into the presence of God, where the Holy Spirit revives, heals, restores, and comforts. Our worship ministry blends contemporary worship songs with traditional hymns. In corporate worship, we appreciate artistic expressions beyond music, including interpretive dance.

We are always looking for volunteer singers, musicians, and dancers for our music ministry. These include…

    • Vocalists.
    • Drummer / Percussionist.
    • Saxophonist / Alto, Tenor, or Soprano.
    • Guitarist, Bassist
    • Keyboard, Pianist

If you are interested in exploring opportunities to serve in CLA Worship Arts, please contact our worship leader, Chad Awtrey, at cla@christianlifeag.net.

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

Friendships come in all different depths; from shallow and superficial to deep and impactful! The best way that we can measure the value of friendship in our lives is not by the number of people, who get to read our timelines and news feeds, but to ask ourselves, “What kind of a friend am I?”

Learning to be a friend is the way of Christ and a measurement of maturity for every Christ-follower. Join Pastor Bruce and CLA for the new message series: “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

You can view the series on line beginning next week.

2013 Spiritual Life Covenant

If you envision more transformation in your life or a stronger outflow of your witness for 2013, then a daily personal experience with Christ is essential. Our strategy as a church includes committing ourselves to private devotions 5 days a week and following a Bible reading plan. You can download this year’s reading plan here.

This special Bible reading system allows you to read the entire Bible (or just the New Testament) in one year while only reading five times a week. Five readings a week gives room to catch up or take a needed day off, and makes daily Bible reading practical and do-able. Reading the Bible in chronological order will also aid you in understanding of the Bible story.

  • Readings are broken down into 5 per week.
  • Always do the reading in the order it appears on the Schedule. For example, if a reading from Chronicles appears before Kings in that day’s reading read from Chronicles first.
  • Check off each day’s reading and then check off each week.


Of course, there are other Bible reading plans to choose from. If you read from an Android or Apple device, YouVersion.com provides a vast selection of reading plans, too.

You will be amazed at how soon you are deep into the year and still reading your Bible regularly! God’s blessings rest with those who will read, understand, and live by His Word.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalms 119:105


Outflow: An Outward Focused Life

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Join us for a conversation; an interactive presentation, on how to begin living an outward-focused life in a self-focused world. Over 5 Wednesdays, we will explore Truth, discover our evangelistic strengths, and craft personal strategies to grow in personal outreach. Our seminar begins Wednesday, November 7 at 7 PM.

Books are available for $12 at the church. You can also order the book online or download it for Kindle device or app.

Outflow can be a great field guide to letting God’s love fill you with joy that flows from you to your family, friends, neighbors, and world. Written for everyday people, Outflow inspires readers to lead joyful, outward-focused lives, powerfully connected with family and friends. . . and in those connections, to naturally share God’s love. It’s a simple, organic, and Biblical strategy. Outflow inspires a vision for living an outward focused life and provides practical tools to make that vision a reality.

The Book includes:

  • A clear model, which represents a five-step process by which readers can move from an inward to an outward focus.
  • 25 readings that support the five-week Outflow seminar.
  • Assignments – practical activities readers can do to live an outward focus with their family, community, friends, and the world at large.

H2O Worship

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Worship. Linger. Drink Deeply. Every 3rd Sunday @ 6 PM.

H2O is intentional. It is the unhurried, unscripted time we draw near to Christ in renewed worship and adoration.

Childcare from birth to 5 years is provided!
