Living in the Hands of God

There I was, a young woman with her college degree fresh in hand and a desire for independence that drove me right out of my home state of Minnesota into the “other” dairy land next door – Wisconsin. Off I went to an apartment I had rented sight-unseen in an unfamiliar city. I only knew one person there and had no job lined up. For the record, I don’t recommend doing this!

My apartment turned out to be fine – perhaps not in the best part of town, but I felt safe enough and it was in a convenient location. I was able to secure a temp job the first week after my move. It didn’t pay much, but it was a start. Within a week I was hired as a permanent employee, and I was able to work other temp jobs in the evenings to help pay the bills.

Still, finances were not exactly “flush.” I used a rather lopsided portion of my budget on phone calls home to Mom, and to make up for the phone bills, I cut back on food. I ate basic stuff like potatoes, individual frozen pizzas and soups, but I rarely had much in the fridge. One lady at work habitually brought baked goods to work, and believe me, I was so grateful for them! I really think those treats sustained me during those first several months!

So one night, driving home from a new church, I started feeling some hunger pangs. During my last conversation with Mom, she mentioned that I might need some red meat in my diet (I wonder how much she worried about me back then). I uttered a question aloud, “God, do You think I could have McDonald’s tonight?” Smiling to myself, I decided that a splurge would be okay. I hadn’t had a cheeseburger in a while, and it REALLY sounded good!

I pulled up to the drive thru, ordered my meal, and drove up to pay. Keep in mind, this was several years ago – before the credit card readers were common at fast food places. I wasn’t in the habit of carrying much cash (if any), and therefore paid by check wherever credit was not accepted (As a side note: for those of you familiar with Dave Ramsey, this was before I took his class!). It was quite normal to write checks at most fast food places in Minnesota. So, of course, I was shocked when the cashier informed me that she couldn’t accept the check I had just handed her!

Ugh! What was I going to do now? I was embarrassed and I fumbled through my purse hoping to find a few dollar bills that might be hiding in there. All I found was my Discover card. I asked the cashier, “Do you take credit cards?” Nope.

I felt my face getting hot, and all I wanted to do was apologize and get out of there. After all, getting McDonald’s was a whim. I didn’t need it. Still, I had gotten my hopes up and I was utterly disappointed.

As I started explaining that I didn’t have any cash, the girl in the window interrupted and said, “Hang on just one second, hun.” She disappeared and I shifted my car into gear, ready to end this experience as soon as possible. Before I knew what happened, she was handing me my food and said, “You’re all set!” I was confused. . . “But, I haven’t paid. . .” “Don’t worry about it.” “Are you SURE?!” “Yup, you’re all set.” “Th. . .thanks!” And I drove off, still confused.

Suddenly the realization sunk in. . .God heard me ask Him for McDonald’s and He bought it for me! That may seem like a leap in logic to you. However, I assure you that I’m fairly down to earth, and yet I KNEW this was more than a coincidence. You know those moments when something, no matter how small, is unmistakably orchestrated by someone who loves you? In that moment when I felt like I was alone in a new place, during one of the most challenging times of my life He not only saw me, but He heard my voice, satisfied my hungry stomach, and reminded me that I was in His hands. God doesn’t get much more personal than that! I will never forget it, and to this day I cannot retell this story without getting choked up.

This causes me to reflect on the words in Psalm 139:1-10 (NIV):

1O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.
2You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
4Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord.
5You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.
7Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
8If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

That day my Good Shepherd gently took a lonely little sheep and fed it and gave it a hug. He has been watching over me ever since. This is why I trust Him. This is why I always want to remain in His hands.

If you have a similar story of how God showed His love to you, no matter how small, please share it in the comments. I would love to be encouraged by your testimony as well.

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