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Message: “Rebuilding Altars of Fervent Prayer” from J Bruce Ritter Jr

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A message from the series “Call of Duty.” The reign of Christ that restores His blessing enters through altars of fervent prayer. The absence of God’s honor and blessing in a given situation can provoke us to build altars of fervent prayer, which lead to the breaking in of Christ’s authority and the release of His freedom, His power, and His peace.
Contained in this specific example of Elijah’s praying includes a confrontation with darkness, the kind of prayer that moves confronts the invisible realm where hell has dominated a situation and then by the power of earnest praying breaks through the bondage that Hell has imposed on the circumstance. Elijah’s response was to confront darkness with an altar of prayer.

Message: “Prevailing Against the Gates” from J Bruce Ritter Jr

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A message from the series “Call of Duty.” Kingdom-purpose follows fervent prayer; the declarations of profession in our praying, in our worship, in our faith-sharing. There is an authority to bind darkness and loose captives that demonstrates the rulership of Christ in His church.