Frank and Sherry Hawley return to CLA on October 20, 2024.
Don’t miss our Sunday Worship Celebration on October 20 with special guests, Frank and Sherry Hawley. Having served in the pastorate, the evangelistic field, and in missions they bring a unique blend of ministry that touches every generation and every member of the family. Frank and Sherry will share in our 10:45 AM service and we will receive a love offering for them.
A Thanksgiving Feast
On Saturday, November 9, from 6-8 PM, CLA and the River Fellowship invite you, your family, and friends to a special evening of fellowship, communion, and ministry that will deepen your sense of gratitude and connections with one another. We will serve a full meal, share communion, and enjoy a little time to reflect on the goodness of God. The meal will be held at CLA, 307 NC Highway 100, in the sanctuary.
Operation Christmas Child –
We’re making our final push to fill our Christmas Boxes for Operation Christmas Child! Use the link below to find out how you can help get the Gospel to children around the world, here.
Intecessory Prayer…
…continues every Tuesday Night, 6:30-7:30 PM. Come pray together and fervently for a spirit of renewal and revival. Our goal is to reach 12 hours of weekly prayer for CLA and Gibsonville. Let’s set our faces to seek the Lord!